Oue Little Ones İn Holland

Oue Little Ones İn Holland

Holland is a very strange country. Most of the land is below the level of the sea. The people have built dikes on the sea-shore, and on the banks of the rivers, to keep the water out. These dikes are high
banks of earth. In some places they are built of stone. They plant trees on the dikes of earth, and the roots keep the water from washing them away.
On many of the dikes there are long lines of windmills. They are ased for pumping out the water from the inside of the dikes. There are a great many canals in Holland. In some of the cities canals are used as streets. Boats go all over the country. A great many people spend their whole lives on the water. Our little ones there are often born, brought up, and spend their days in boats.
The whole family of the boatman eat and sleep in the little cabin. The children play about the deck. The Dutch women are very neat, and they keep the cabin as nice as a parlor. The space is small on
the boat, but the home is just as it would be on the land. The growing plants, and pussy eating her milk, seem to be odd sights on a boat.
Some of the vessels go out to sea. The family go with them. The fisherman often has his wife and children on board. The mother of the little ones has to work like a man. She helps catch the fish
and land them. Sometimes mamma has to steer the boat. Sometimes ghe and the boys Lave to drag the boat with a rope while papa steers .

Oue Little Ones İn Holland

In Holland dogs have to work for their living. They are harnessed to small carts or wagons. They draw the milk, butter and cheese, finit and vegetables, to market. The farmer’s wife usually goes with them, and sells the load in the city. 1 have seon carts and wagons drawn by from one to four dogs. Sometimes half a dozen of the little ones take a ride for pleasur.

Oue Little Ones İn Holland full text very old story.

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